Smart Money TV Segment
Neil was co-host of the Smart Money financial segment on KCEN, a Central Texas NBC affiliate. The segment ran for over 8 years and aired weekly during the Texas Today morning show.
The weekly segment was designed to provide helpful financial information and to answer viewer questions.
The Smart Money segments covered a wide variety of topics including:
- Money Mistakes that Couples Make
- Unique Ways to Gift Money to Children
- Myths about Financial Advisors
- Selecting an Asset Allocation
- 401(k) and 403(b) Plans
- Auto Purchase vs. Lease
- Myths about Investing
- Tax-efficient Investing
- Common Mistakes in a Market Downturn
Investing in an Uncertain Economy for Dummies
Neil was a contributor to the book Investing in an Uncertain Economy for Dummies. At the time of its release in 2008, unemployment was at a 14-year high, home prices had been declining for over two years, and the stock market was entering the second year of a bear market. Describing the economy as “uncertain” was an understatement!
Investing in an Uncertain Economy featured advice from several independent, fee-only financial advisors. The book was written in a “tips” format, meaning the content was broken down into bite-sized pieces on a wide array of financial and investing topics. It was a great book for beginners or for use as a reference.
The topics were divided into the following seven parts:
Part I: Laying a Solid Foundation
Part II: Using Investment Vehicles and Accounts Throughout the Economic Cycle
Part III: Demystifying Risk: Accumulating and Protecting Wealth
Part IV: Investing for Accumulators
Part V: Heading into Retirement
Part VI: Living on Your Investment Earnings and Drawing Down Your Assets
Part VII: The Part of Tens
Unfortunately the book is out of print, but used copies might still be available online from Amazon or other retailers.* I also keep a few copies on my bookshelf if you’d like to stop by and take a look at one!
*I do not receive any royalties or other compensation as a contributor.
Other News
Neil has been featured in AdviceIQ / USA Today, the Wall Street Journal, and on